For Catholics, the answer to the question, “Why am I here?” can be summed up in one word: Vocation. As disciples of Jesus Christ, we are first and foremost called to holiness. We each pursue holiness through the vocation we are called to, and respond generously to it. If we are open to God’s will, the deepest desires of our hearts will be unveiled. How do we come to know God’s will? What are the different vocations? For information on these and other questions, please look at the Vocations website from the Archdiocese: www.seattlevocations.com
For those already living their vocation, you can have an immense impact in guiding people toward their own vocation as well as supporting vocations. This booklet has information on how to pray for, celebrate, learn about, and invite people to consider their vocations. These are all designed to build a culture of vocations so that it would be normal for Catholics here to replace “What do I want to do with my life?” with “What does God want me to do with my life?”
Building a Culture of Vocations PDF
The way we come to know our vocation is often called discernment. This process includes sifting through the gifts and desires God has given us, as well as the ways God is speaking to us through prayer and our daily lives.
If you have questions about your own vocation, how to discern, or how to support vocations throughout the Archdiocese, please contact:
Fr. Justin Ryan
Associate Vocation Director for the Archdiocese of Seattle