The Mass is a celebration of unity, peace and love. The Mass is a sacramental celebration which means it can only be fully appreciated through Faith. It is through, with and in Jesus, the Risen Christ, that this unity, peace and love is realized. As the members of the Church celebrate the Mass, that same unity, peace and love becomes an even greater reality in their lives as well.
Through the power of the Holy Spirit those participating in the Mass are united to Jesus in his death and resurrection. The cross is firmly planted in the earth but reaches to the sky signifying the unity of heaven and earth. Jesus' arms are wide open to embrace all people signifying the unity of the human family. The prayer over the gifts of bread and wine signify that all of creation are gifts of God and are enhanced through human work. On the cross it is Jesus who forgives those who condemned and crucified him. When he rose from the dead and appeared to his disciples, who had denied and abandoned him, Jesus showed that it is possible to break the cycle of violence. Slowly but surely those who truly celebrate the Mass are transformed so that they can bring unity, peace and love into their world.
The word Mass comes from the Latin phrase which concludes the celebration. The words are "Ite Missa est." Literally "Go, the Mass is ended". Pope Benedict XVI simply said, "In antiquity, missa simply meant 'dismissal'. In Christian usage, however, it gradually took on a deeper meaning. The word 'dismissal' has come to imply a 'mission'. It is the mission which Jesus began and his disciples are to continue.