To see who I am, I must tell where I came from. My mom, Teresa, is from Merida, Yucatan, and my father, Ralph Harrison, was from Brownsville, OR. He converted to Catholicism before marrying my mother, raised his six children Catholic, and made sure we went to Catholic schools. I wanted to only marry a Catholic. My Jewish husband fulfilled my childhood dream of marrying a Catholic since Judaism is the root of Catholicism. We were blessed with four children. Alex supported the children attending St. Charles School as the second generation. I’ve taught in University Place District for 26 years; first as a half-time 3/4th grade teacher and now full time as a librarian for University Place Primary. My greatest ambition in life is to fulfill my vocation as wife and mother. With the teamwork of God, I try to encourage my husband and children on their journey to heaven.
I accepted my upbringing of the Catholic Church even after rubbing elbows with other Christian denominations through my college years. During that time period, I did question what the Catholic Church taught. The Catholic Church seemed not to teach or encourage a personal and alive relationship with Jesus Christ. After reading Mother Angelica’s books, and other Catholic writers, I became more aware to the meaning behind all the Liturgy and Sacraments. I realized the Catholic Church does promote a personal relationship with God. I just need to open my soul every Mass and He meets me in the Eucharist, at Adoration, and with every Confession. Lately, St. Jose Escrivia’s writings have spoken to my soul and hearten me to make my day to day events and meetings with others more sanctified by receiving the graces that Christ offers in the Catholic Church.
The Catholic Church gives a whole level and dimension to life. The Catholic teachings simplify my life because I have a blueprint on how to journey on my unique path to heaven. How do I cope with the difficulties, pains and illnesses that Adam and Eve’s fall brought into this world if I don’t have the Trinity, angels and saints on my side? How do I raise my children without heaven’s help? Going to Mass and receiving the Eucharist is like a car getting gas at a gas station. My soul gets filled up from attending Mass, Confession or at Adoration. With so many cultures and nationalities in the world, the Church shows how to live harmoniously with one another. I saw this during World Youth Day and at the Mass of two million people from all over the world. Being Catholic makes my life more exciting, joyful and purposeful.