As Co-creators or Stewards of all creation we express our Thanks and Praise to God, the source of all our blessings, and we share from our bounty with those in need.
The Biblical ideal of Stewardship is ten percent, but each one, according to his or her heart and means, needs to make a decision about the sharing of their time, talent and treasure in order to carry on the mission of Jesus Christ. Ultimately each needs to remember that on the last day, we will have to entrust everything, including our very life, to God.
As a Church Community, disciples of the Risen Christ, we are committed to carrying on his mission in the world today. Our first responsibility is to our family and then to the Church and communities in which we live. St. Charles Borromeo Parish and the greater Tacoma area, our state, our country and our world.
We invite you to share your Time, Talent and Treasure in order to more effectively carry on the mission of sharing the Good News of the Risen Christ in word and action.