St. Charles Borromeo has a comprehensive Respect Life ministry supporting the Culture of Life.
The committee generally meets the second Wednesday of every month at 7 p.m. in the Convent.
The Respect Life Committee networks with many other Respect Life organizations and ministries in our area. So, there are more opportunities for involvement than you see here.
For more information on the ministries below or on ones not listed here, contact:
Aileen Carrell
Respect Life Committee Chair
This is an intercessory prayer ministry for babies in danger of abortion and their families. It runs from January through October. Check the parish bulletin and homepage for dates every January.
Each year we suggest to those who join the campaign the campaign to name their spiritually adopted babies. Click the link here to add your baby's name to our community of spiritually adopted babies.
We will collect those names and create a physical poster collage that can be viewed in the main vestibule, along with the monthly mom and baby poster during Spiritual Adoption weekends throughout the year.
A twice per year, national prayer vigil outside local abortion clinics. Check the parish bulletin and homepage for dates closer to the event. Note the spring campaign always begins on Ash Wednesday.
For more information, contact:
Aileen Carrell
Respect Life Committee Chair
This event occurs every January. The Knights of Columbus generously provide a bus to take parishioners to the march.
For more information, contact:
Aileen Carrell
Respect Life Committee Chair
This parish based ministry — part of a national movement — provides emotional, spiritual and material support to women and families in crisis pregnancies. The Gabriel Project committee generally meets on the last Tuesday of every month at 7 p.m. in the Convent.
For more information, contact:
Karol Mauss
Gabriel Project Committee Chair
Located in Lakewood next to St. Frances Cabrini Church, this outreach provides families and infants with car seats, diapers and clothing. Open Mondays and Fridays from 10 a.m.–noon.
For more information, contact:
Our Lady of Guadalupe Maternity Center
This ministry out of Catholic Community Services offers women and men hope and healing after abortion through the Rachel's Vineyard Healing Retreats and one-on-one counseling.
For more information, contact:
Project Rachel Hotline
En Español: 206-450-7814
All inquiries are strictly confidential