Nativity House is a facility in downtown Tacoma serving low-income and homeless adult men and women, providing housing, hospitality, and hope. St. Charles Borromeo Parish supports Nativity House by providing a hot meal on the fourth Friday of the month to about 250 in addition to providing other food, clothing and personal care items. Food is donated by parishioners and cooked in our parish kitchen. Volunteers transport the food to the downtown shelter. Those willing to help in this way are invited to participate.
For more information or to volunteer, contact Cathy Lamet (contact information below).
Our Lady of Guadalupe Maternity Center's purpose is to provide spiritual and material help to mothers, pregnant women, and their young children (infant to age eight). St. Charles Borromeo Parish provides weekly donations, a parish wide baby shower in the fall and volunteers to help run the center.
For more information or to volunteer, contact Cathy Lamet (contact information below).
Work of Human Hands is a Catholic Relief Services program, in partnership with SERRV International, to aid artisans in developing worlds and in the United States. St. Charles hosts one sale each year of beautiful and unique handcrafted items at our Advent Workshop in late November. Catalogs can also be picked up for private orders.
We consider our purchases from the Work of Human Hands sales to be twice blessed — once in their loveliness as Christmas gifts and again in providing dignity and income to low-income artists around the world. These purchases support fair wages, concern for people rather than profit, preservation of the environment and local cultures.
For more information or to assist with sales, contact Jodie Clark (contact information below).