MISSION: To make disciples by Engaging the Uncommitted, Energizing the Committed and empowering all to share the Gospel taking into account the local culture.
STRUCTURE : Inviting through Hospitality - Connecting and Serving through Parish Life Growing through Faith Formation - Reaching Out to serve the larger Community Celebrating in Liturgy - Sustaining and Growing through Leadership and Administration
ROLES & RESPONSIBILITIES: Position Descriptions help clarify various roles and responsibilities
RESOURCES: People (Parishioners, Staff) - Facilities - Finances - Information
Each parish community, according to its history and culture, accomplishes its mission in a unique way. The role of the pastor is to provide oversight and direction for the parish community. (a sense of order, which is why the Sacrament for Bishops, Priests and Deacons is called “Holy Orders”). In this sense the pastor is like a conductor of an orchestra.
Since there is a variety of ways of doing things. There always exists what might be called the “Leadership Gap”.
The role of the Parish Council is to ADVISE the pastor about the current status of the parish, and how best to direct the parish in fulfilling its mission. This advice lessens the gap that must be crossed. Instead of going from “A” to “S” it becomes possible to go from “A” to “E”. Other Councils, Commissions and Committee provide similar advice and recommendations.