The St Charles Borromeo Mental Health and Wellness Ministry promotes emotional and spiritual growth with compassion, safety, and acceptance as participants reflectively explore their life experiences and their faith.
Our ministry moves from a Catholic identity offering education about Mental Health, programs which provide compassion, prayer and companionship for healing and community resources for support. Through these activities we are opening the conversation about Mental Health, guiding St. Charles Borremeo Parish in being a compassionate, safe and accepting spiritual home.
Bishop John Dolan, Diocese of Phoenix, shares his personal journey as suicide touched his life.
If you would like to be connected to a counselor, please contact or 253-564-5185.
Next date to be determined
St. Charles Borromeo
Parish Center
More information here.
Varied dates and times
St. Charles Borromeo
Parish Center Parlor
More information here.
Every Tuesday, 6:00 PM
St. Charles Borromeo
Parish Center Parlor
More information here.
First Thursdays, 7:00-8:30 PM
via Zoom
More informaton here.