In the Catholic Church, marriage is a sacrament - a visible sign of God’s continuing presence among us. Most specifically, the commitment made between the bride and groom in their vows is an expression of God’s love for his people: “the sacrament of Matrimony… gives spouses the grace to love each other with the love with which Christ has loved his Church” (CCC #1661).
Your faithfulness to each other, in good times and in bad, in sickness and health, is a sign of of God’s absolute faithfulness to us in good times and in bad, in sickness and health - and of our desire to be faithful to God as well. Even more, your love for your spouse becomes, through the grace of this sacrament, one of the primary expressions of God’s love for your spouse.
Catholic Marriage is unique among other marital relationships because it is a sacrament that makes Christ present in our world. The relationship between husband and wife mirrors the relationship of Jesus Christ for his people. In the Catholic tradition, husband and wife accept a role in God’s plan for humanity. They are ambassadors of God’s love, and they collaborate with God to keep humanity alive.
The vows exchanged by the couple are a sacred pact through which the spouses embrace each other, and, together, embrace Jesus as their partner. Through their union with Christ they participate in the unbreakable pact between God and humanity: the covenant that was sealed in the death and resurrection of Christ.
One of the many benefits of a sacramental marriage is the power of God’s grace, which helps couples keep their commitment and find happiness together. Social scientists are finding that couples who recognize God’s presence in their relationship experience more satisfaction and are more likely to achieve lifelong marriage.