I'm married with two grown sons. My husband and I are both teachers. He is retired, and I am currently teaching at an elementary school. We have a dog and four cats that keep things lively at our house. I love to read, especially mysteries. I am also interested in history and current events.
I am a cradle Catholic raised in a large family. I was a teenager and young adult during the turmoil of the 1960s and 1970s. For a few years, I was away from the Church, although I still believed in God. Gradually, the Lord led me back, perhaps because of the prayers of my parents and grandparents! After marrying and having our sons, I was still not firmly committed to the Catholic Church. My husband was raised Protestant, and we occasionally went to other churches, or no church at all. But the decline in our culture disturbed me, and I turned more and more to the Church. Catholic radio and television played a big part in my return. Radio Station AM 1050 and the Eternal Word Television Network (EWTN), continue to enrich my faith.
I truly believe that Jesus is the Light of the World, and the Catholic Church is the church He founded two-thousand years ago, when He said to St. Peter, "You are Peter, and on this rock I will build my Church, and the gates of hell will not prevail against it." Matthew 16:18
For me, the Catholic faith is a treasure chest, with new treasures waiting to be discovered every day. I love Catholic magazines, books, and newspapers. I love hymns, both traditional and modern. Now that my kids are grown, I have more time to read and pray. I have time to read the Bible, especially the daily readings. Every Saturday, I go to Eucharistic Adoration, which is a prayerful time to feel closer to our Lord. We live within walking distance to St. Charles Borromeo, which is one of the reasons we bought our current house. My favorite prayer, especially when I have run out of words and tears--Thy will be done.