This year our shoe program will look a little different. Instead of shoes being sold this year, we are asking families to purchase a new pair of shoes to be donated.
Families, who are able, are asked to purchase a new pair of shoes (one pair per family member). We ask that shoes be brought to Mass in their shoe boxes (rubber-banded closed if that's convenient). No gift bags this year, please.
If you have elementary-aged students, it is helpful to purchase in their current shoe size.
Shoes will be collected at school each morning, in the white bin outside the school office before and after Saturday Mass, and before and after Sunday Masses until December 20th.
Traditionally, St Charles students did work around their own houses to 'pay' for the shoes themselves. In this way, the shoes are literally from our children to other Tacoma children.
If a family does not feel comfortable coming to campus, we have volunteers who will pick up contributions at your home, masked and touch-free. If you would like this service, please text Sarah McCarthy at 253-441-7979 with your address and a day you'd like your contribution picked up.
Shoes will be distributed to students in several local, high-need elementary schools.